
Product Release Notes - March 2024


  • We're thrilled to announce an update to our Rich Text Editor! We now offer support for formatting math and science equations using LaTeX syntax. You can access this enhancement in both tools, cml:smart_text, and cml:ai_chat_feedback, when the attribute rich="true" is enabled. More Info
  • We are excited to announce new platform capabilities that will support you in tailoring your specific applications powered by large language models (LLMs). With simplified model integration and usecase templates designed by experts and structured to cover essential steps in model customization, such as data preparation, prompt generation, response evaluation, and red-teaming for bias and toxicity, Appen's "My LLM Journey" can guide you through the best practices and challenges of LLM adoption. More Info
  • We’re happy to share the latest enhancements to the AI Chat Feedback tool, introducing the new attributes 'num-responses' and 'allow-custom-response-edit'. Use 'allow-custom-response-edit' to modify any of the custom completions in the AI Chat Feedback tool from a prior conversation uploaded through review data or automatically uploaded in a QA job. For cases where you need to assess multiple models but only wish to showcase a selection of the model responses in a specific round, utilize 'num-responses'. This attribute enables you to specify the number of responses to present within the tool. During each round, the tool will randomly choose and display "N" model responses as specified. More Info
  • We are excited to announce enhanced visibility and fine-grained accessibility for your custom workforce! You can now add your internal or other custom contributors to your team’s Project Resources (available with Quality Flow) and they will be available to anyone in the team for assignment to quality flow jobs, via job settings. The contributors can access their tasks and see an overview of their assignments on a new dashboard. More Info
  • The Appen Data Annotation Platform is getting a fresh new look and feel. Explore the new experience by switching between Appen logos at the bottom of your global navigation bar. More Info

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